xanudu@buster:~$ cat info.txt

Hi, I’m @XanuduBuster

My name is pronounced as Za-nu-du Bus-ter

I’m interested in programing, helping and making things

I use Ubuntu 23.04 as my main OS, and I don't use windows because its bad.

I’m working at hewol https://hewol.github.io

You can reach me at Discord: Xanudu#2632 (or at twitter: https://twitter.com/XanuduBuster)

This website background color will change, if I change my terminal color, the color will be same as my terminal background color!

xanudu@buster:~$ cat links.txt

Twitter: https://twitter.com/XanuduBuster

GitHub: https://github.com/XanuduBuster

GitHub Gists: https://gist.github.com/XanuduBuster

GitHub Gists Comment Chat: https://gist.github.com/XanuduBuster/b53ee8acffdfcd58635bc5f5f8dbe84c

Discord: Xanudu#2632

Books: https://xanudu.is-a.dev/xb-books/

xanudu@buster:~$ cat bye.txt

Alright bye time to code and do some stuff! Check my Github!

xanudu@buster:~$ exit

[Connection Closed]